From shameful hair experiences to a business.
At the young age of 14 I had my first embarrassing hair experience. One day after church a friend pointed out a long strand of hair on my cheek. I laughed it off, but inside I was mortified! Adding insult to injury, he also pulled the hair from my face.
As I got older I began to notice unwanted hair appear on other parts of my face and neck. By my early 20's my facial hair growth grew rapidly out of control. I was tweezing my hair on a daily basis; scarring my skin while unknowingly promoting additional hair growth.
At the age of 26 while working as a Certified Nursing Assistant, a few adults at work drew unwanted attention to my facial hair; I felt like that embarrassed teenager all over again. I couldn't bare it any longer, I had to find a solution to this humiliating hair problem.
After extensive research online, I learned about electrolysis, the only FDA proven permanent hair removal procedure. For six months, I committed to a weekly hair removal session.
Now free of my embarrassing face, neck and chin hair, I am now more confident, full of life and energy.
My beautiful skin is revealed!